martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

Bodeguita Romero «

Bodeguita Romero « - Famous for having the very best pringá montaditos in Sevilla! This is a small toasted bun filled with a mixture of very tender roasted pork, blood sausage and pork fat (really, it's way better than it sounds). It's usually served as a sort of paste in other tapa bars, but here it's very meaty and chunky, served hot and totally to die for. The crunchy roquefort croquettes are also wonderful a roquefort/bechamel mixture rolled in crushe

Más información similar sobre el iberico podéis encontrar en :

Web de Jamón del Trujillo

Web de Jamón de Montánchez

Sobre el uso de la miel para combinar con el cerdo ibérico:

Web de la miel Virgen de Extremadura

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