martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

Tasting Competitions?

Who the Hell is Judging These Alcohol Tasting Competitions? - For the past several months on my daily commute to work I have been greeted by an advertisement that I eventually had to follow up on. The sign claimed that Iceberg Vodka was voted a gold medal at the 2009 Cannes Vodka competition.

Más información similar sobre el iberico podéis encontrar en :

Web de Jamón del Trujillo

Web de Jamón de Montánchez

Sobre el uso de la miel para combinar con el cerdo ibérico:

Web de la miel Virgen de Extremadura

Si queréis información metereológica para los secaderos ,la podéis sacar directamente del satélite en esta web:

Eutmetcast para profesionales y amateurs

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