martes, 9 de marzo de 2010

From Vigo.Angulas « The Gastronaut

Angulas « The Gastronaut - What a great day today! Two gastronomic events, and one of them a real treat! But before play, a little work is needed: my colleague and I set off from Vigo to a small town in the outskirts. Our customer is in a somewhat grim industrial area, but then again, most industrial areas are grim! We observe Spanish time: meeting starts at eleven a. , we negotiate successfully for a new contract, spend a lot of time discussing new products and when we finish our meeting, the pangs of hunger signal it is well past our lunchtime it is now half past two! But this is Spain, and when we arrive at the restaurant at 3 p.

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Sobre el uso de la miel para combinar con el cerdo ibérico:

Web de la miel Virgen de Extremadura

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